French Toast is the posh phrase for eggy bread. This dish is the top breakfast choice for everyone here at Gluten Free Foods. And we stand in good company- Gwyneth Paltrow and Rachel Weisz who also follow gluten free diets both state it's the one dish they miss the most!
Well you don't have to miss out at all! Just find a wholesome gluten free bread and it will taste equally as good!
Serves 2
4 slices of Barkat's Country Loaf
4 eggs (Duck eggs are the best)
A glug of milk (or dairy free equivalent)
1 pinch of ground Cinnamon
Golden Syrup
A knob of butter
* Heat the oven to 180c and bake Barkat's Country Loaf for 15 mins
* Heat the frying pan for about 1 minute and then add the butter
* Swivel the butter around the pan
* Beat the eggs in a mixing bowl which is big enough to hold the slices of bread
* Add a glug of milk and beat again
* Once the bread is baked, dunk a slice at a time into the bowl and then turn it over so that it absorbs the eggy mixture
* Place on the frying pan
* Turn over after about 1 minute (until it gets golden brown)
* Once golden on both sides place on the plate and add a pinch of cinnamon and as much golden syrup as you want!
* I like to eat it with a sprinkling of berries
Seriously delicious!!
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